Good client retention is the foundation of building any great business especially for those with personally invested customers where financial vigilance really matters. Mortgages, financial plans and any significant investment –even travel or education –are in a competitive space that takes care and commitment. Clients are constantly lured by better deals, bigger services or more personal attention.
The more connected you are to your clients with regular check-ins, updates and phone calls to talk to them, the more likely you’ll be the first person they think of when they’re ready to shop, buy or refer someone. Timing is everything.
But who has time for this kind of outreach? Mortgage brokers and financial advisors are busy enough staying up to date with new products, new prospects and new regulations. Regularly speaking to clients already on your books often takes a back seat while you’re busy driving your business.
Know how to turn around more business. Be sure you appreciate the true value of keeping in touch with each customer to help you:
We do one thing and do it well: we talk to and listen to customers. It’s no accident we chose the name Keeping Clients for our business. It’s what we’re all about. We deliver individual, tailored and targeted calls from ‘your business’ to sincerely look after the best interests of your clients and your business.
Without taking on overheads by hiring staff or contracting a consultancy, we can enlarge your business presence with flexible terms and more importantly, truly professional service that reflects well on you.
Keeping Clients is a team of retention and customer lead specialists with a unique yet simple approach to deliver warm, genuine personal service. We speak to and listen to your customers to keep you top of mind and make it easy for them to:
If you are after a high quality, tailored, individual connection with your clients rather than a superficial ‘one size fits all’ approach, we would love to work with you.
Keeping Clients was created to fill a real need for Mortgage Brokers across Australia – the need for high quality, tailored and targeted professional calls to the brokers’ clients to stay connected and win repeat business.
I was inspired in part by having been a Manager of a mortgage brokerage from 2000 to 2014 following an earlier career in microbiology, chemical instrumentation and research. For 14 years I gained a great understanding of the property finance industry and customer needs getting their home loan and throughout the life of their loans. I was delighted to contribute to the brokerage becoming extremely successful and a national award-winning business.
Keeping Clients started as a home office in 2014 so I could be available for my children’s most critical HSC and Uni crossroads. The business steadily grew and outgrew the premises when we reached five staff. We moved to our Richmond (NSW) office in 2018.
A highlight for Keeping Clients was becoming a Finalist in the 2017 MFAA Business Excellence Awards. We were very proud to receive this highly sought-after distinction as a great way to showcase our professionalism.
The Keeping Clients team now calls customers on behalf brokers from all states and territories in Australia and for eight different aggregators with eight different CRM’s. We also work for businesses that provide services to brokers and financial planners. For 2021 we are exploring how to best work with other industries where warm, intelligent client contact makes a difference.
We are now taking customer contact briefs from
Let’s talk about your current advisor or broker business and how you handle client follow-up. With no obligation, we’ll be happy to provide our recommendations and show you how easy it is to get started with Keeping Clients.
Let Us Help